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Winter has passed and Spring has sprung! Absolutely love the new life springing up everywhere this time of year. Regardless the calamities and events unfolding around the world…God and His Creation are unshakeable. God is faithful and His Word is true. “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease.” Genesis 8:22

We Have Sprung Some Leaks … We have a 70 foot tall, 5000 gallon capacity water tank on our main campus property. It is essential as it gravity feeds our water supply across the 18 acre property. Otherwise, the frequent electrical outages would leave us with no water. The tower has faithfully served our needs for over 20 years. Inspection this year revealed multiple leaks caused by rust out from the inside. We have no choice but to replace it immediately. Total cost will be right at $15,000.

Computer Labs Saved the Day … Or, should we say “Saved the Year!” Due to Covid lockdowns, the 250+ children that would normally leave for school every morning, remained on our three campuses learning online for most of the school year. Our computer labs, which used to be used for homework, became the class room. Dorm parents who used to get a break while the children were at school, became the teachers. Welcome to 16 hour work days! It’s been a tough year but we made it.

Time To Upgrade … Our IT department informed me that all the computers in our computer labs need to be upgraded. Average age of our computers is 5+ years. I guess they are dinosaurs in the tech world. The upgrade will average $500/station; we have 32 stations, $16,000 total. Broken down into bite size pieces, that is roughly $60/child. These new computers will benefit hundreds of children for several years ahead.

Strength of Partnership … This month we had to address two very urgent situations. We have ordered the water tower to be taken down as it could collapse under the weight of water it holds. We have ordered the new tower before we had funds to pay for it. Walking on the water again!  Thank you for prayerfully considering helping with a special gift this month.

Charlie & Cathy

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