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Dear Friend,

The nine-hour drive to Huay Tong Village was a journey into a deeply remote area of Thailand. Over two months of planning and preparation … the day had finally arrived. It was outreach time and our youth were excited.

This Was A Special Trip … Two of the youth on this trip, Ampapawn and Piyawaet, were rescued from this village twelve years earlier. Their mother died of a drug overdose and their father sold their identity to traffickers. Drugs had destroyed this family. Last year Ampapawn and Piyawaet’s father took his own life…it was now safe for them to return to a home they didn’t really know.

Huay Tong Village Had Never Seen An Event Like This … For two days our youth and staff served the people of this village. They cut hair, did nails, did digital media presentations, did makeovers, repaired motorcycles, built two toilets, did plays and skit presentations, conducted fun night, handed out gifts, etc. etc. Food and Fun drew out every villager from Huay Tong as well as many that walked in from surrounding villages. The excitement was tangible through our youth and staff. A village was truly helped.

They Met Family They Didn’t Know They Had … A beautiful reunion between Ampapawn, Piyawaet, their grandparents and other extended family members brought everyone to tears. Twelve years was a long time, the kids only had faint memories of their grandparents. The grandparents helped us rescue these children twelve years earlier; they had not seen them since.

Youth Enjoy Community Outreach … What a joy to see teenagers humbly serving others and begging for more opportunities. “When can we go again?” “My life has been changed!” I want to go on more outreaches.” “I know another village that we need to go to.” These were just a handful of the comments/reactions we heard from the youth and staff.

The Asian Culture of Honor and Respect for Elders is Fueling Revival… The last 35 years has seen the greatest generational shift in the history of Thailand. Kids are high tech, computer savvy, parents and grandparents were lucky if they even got a basic education; many are illiterate. Our goal is to touch every generation. The youth are hungry to connect with their parents and grandparents’ generation. The Next Gen is alive and well and hungry to serve. Let us help them shine…

It is an honor to represent you here in Thailand … thank you for your part in the success of this organization.

Charlie & Cathy

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