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This past weekend we had the most wonderful surprise. We saw pictures on Facebook about Gamonchanok, one of our students, graduating 12 th grade. We have 22 students graduating high school this year; most of them will continue with higher education.

Gamonchanok Has A Special Place In Our Hearts … 14 years ago Cathy and I received an emergency call. A family in the mountains had a crisis. The father committed suicide by hanging himself in front of his wife and children.

Can You Help This Family? … Of course, the answer was “YES!” Both children were brought into the children’s home. The mother was greatly relieved that her children would be cared for, but unfortunately, she experienced a total breakdown which left her severely mentally handicapped. We arranged for the mother to live nearby our children’s home facility so she could be close to her children.

We Built A Home For This Widow … Two visiting teams pitched in and helped build a house for Gamonchanok’s mother. It was basic, but a palace to her. It was close enough that she could walk to our facility and visit her daughter.

A Very Special Moment … Several years after Gamonchanok entered our program, we were dedicating a new 2-story dormitory at the property where she lived. Prominent guest and government officials attended the event. The most touching moment that day was when Gamonchanok’s mother sheepishly approached Cathy and I. She was holding a small shoulder bag that she had hand woven on her own loom. Shy and embarrassed, she could hardly make eye contact with us. She reached out to hand us her gift and didn’t have words to speak, but her heart spoke loudly… “Thank you for helping my family.” The moment was priceless.

Gamonchanok Has A Scholarship and A Job … This young lady is sharp in mathematics and wants to study accounting. Our foundation has agreed to fund her college education and provide her a job upon completion of her degree. She can be the staff accountant at our Mae La Noi Children’s Home facility. Her mother can live with her daughter and be cared for in her elder years.

It’s One Of Those Moments That Makes It All Worthwhile … 36+ years of social work in Thailand hasn’t been an easy road. Real life stories like this make it all worthwhile.

You Can Change A Life Through Child Sponsorship … We have quite a few children that need sponsors. If you would like to sponsor one or more of these precious children, please go to You can specify boy or girl and approximate age level you prefer. We will match a child to your request and send you a Profile Card and updates going forward. If you already sponsor a child and want to add a child, simply instruct us to add a child to your sponsorship.

You make it possible for us to be there for hurting people like this family… Countless lives have been touched at Abundant Life Children’s Homes. None of that could happen without faithful sponsors like you.

Thank You!

Charlie & Cathy

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