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Last night we welcomed a new grandbaby into the family. Jeremiah Andres’ Somdaet Milbrodt is the third child of Jeremy and Sonya Milbrodt. Their daughters, Olivia (6 yrs old) and Sophia (2 yrs old) now have a little brother. I don’t think Jeremiah is going to lack for attention! Mom and baby are healthy and strong.

The Champions Brought Home the Gold … We were thrilled when three of our children from Abundant Life Children’s Home visited us this week. They brought Cathy and I a fruit basket and showed us their medal haul. They just returned from the Southeast Asia Games, an Olympic level sporting competition among the nations of SE Asia. They play on the National Cricket Team representing the Nation of Thailand. Each of them won a total of three gold medals in the Olympic level competitions. Not only gold medals but US$10,000 each for their 1 st place finish.

Lives Transformed … Apisara, Bantida and Sulipaw grew up at Abundant Life Children’s Home. Sulipaw already graduated with a bachelors degree, but is now pursuing her masters degree. Apisara and Bantida are currently studying at the 11th grade level. The beautiful part of the story is where these girls came from and where they are now. Apisara came from an isolated village that required a three-hour boat ride to get to the nearest paved road. Bantida was deserted by her parents. An elderly aunt was doing her best to raise her but couldn’t handle it. Sulipaw was an orphan from a village massively involved in the drug trade. All of them found new life when simply given a chance here at Abundant Life Children’s Home. This was possible because of child sponsorship. Thank you sponsors for helping us change lives.

World Travelers … I must admit…I’m a bit jealous about this one…These girls have traveled the world representing the Nation of Thailand on the National Team. They have been to Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Malaysia, Netherlands, Scotland, South Africa, United Arab Emirates and Zimbabwe. Not bad…what an opportunity that will shape their lives.

The Road Is Being Poured … Last month we shared the need to get the road and parking areas at the new land paved before the rains came. We are pleased to report that $25,000 of the $30,000 needed has already come in. The work is progressing beautifully.

Thank you for your help.

Charlie & Cathy

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